Listado de la etiqueta: English

Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming Pius to our school. In Uganda he works as a chef but, through his church and charity work, he invites young children who live on the streets of Kampala to join his group where they are fed, cared for and educated. His calles them his «Freedom Boys and Girls», and it is his way of paying back the community who helped him as a young boy when he ended up on the streets after many difficult years during his childhood.
It was very interesting and inspiring to hear his story and experiences, and in his talks with 2º and 4º ESO, and also in 1º Bach, he answered questions about life in Uganda, his journey and his visit to Spain.  We would like to thank Gloria Maria and the English Department for organising this experience

Un curso más, el Colegio Internacional John Henry Newman organiza el Summer Camp, un campamento de inmersión en inglés con talleres, piscina, deportes, excursiones en el que aprenden de forma natural y divertida.

El Summer Camp Newman tendrá lugar del 25 de junio al 13 de julio y está dirigido a niños y niñas de 3 a 12 años.

Tiene toda la información en

Y el formulario de inscripción en

Un curso más, el Masterchef Newman ha sido todo un éxito

1st place Yummy Team group 10

2nd place All Over The Rainbow Group 13

3rd place The Smurfs group 9

4th place Consonant Girls group 7

Honorable Mention for Team Work The Master Kids group 3

Honorable Mention for Team Work -Super Fruit  group 4

Honorable Mention for super helpful!

Last week some of 4th ESO students have become quick -witted reporters and rebellious VIPs  for the speacking project of this term . Their goal was to choose controversial celebrities to interview them thoroughly about the most polemic events in their lives.

Last week our audience  had the great chance to meet three of the most powerful Titans of Politics nowadays: Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader of North Korea, Donald Trump, President of United States of America and Vladimir Putin, current President of  Russia  in our famous programme «The  Ellen Degeneres Show » :
All of us enjoyed ourselves  very much with all those tangled situations!!
2nd Bachillerato students have given us a great time with their 2nd term speaking project. It consisted of becoming puppeteers and making up funny stories and modern fairy tales.
They had to change their language registers and tones of voice in order to get  their audience involved.
We actually got a buzz from these shows!! Congratulations!!

Can a student enjoy taking an exam? Our students of first of ESO can! Nowadays we have access to all kinds of stuff. It is possible to find absolutely everything we may think of, right?… or maybe not.
English teachers bet there is something super cool our students can come up with that really needs to be invented, and there are plenty of ideas: body SD cards to learn anything instantly, a pet translator, a multipurpose pillow… We’re about to find these inventions out!

In 2ºESO the students have been preparing role plays based on their favourite characters to make a “SuperMovie”. It’s your only chance to see Batman and Captain Jack Sparrow on the same screen!



1ESO has worked on recycling projects to make people aware of the importance of taking care of our planet. They designed recycling bins that we are sure will look appealing to little children, so they will get used to recycling. Also, they have made advertising posters and a TV commercial.

Los alumnos de 3º de ESO han tenido la oportunidad de viajar a la época de Henry VIII de Inglaterra. Sus profesores de inglés Rebeca Sanz, Seán White, Pilar Seco, Rafael de Dios y Gemma Gómez, han diseñado -de la mano del coordinador de innovación, Marcos Garasa- un proyecto en el que los alumnos retroceden hasta el siglo XVI inglés como agentes del Ministerio del Tiempo.

El objetivo ha sido provocar la curiosidad y el interés de los alumnos a través de la gamificación del aula, el uso de los recursos TIC y el trabajo colaborativo, de manera que sean ellos los protagonistas de su propio aprendizaje,  adquiriendo de manera activa y natural los contenidos de la unidad didáctica propuesta. De este modo, organizados en equipos o  “linajes” cuyos miembros asumen roles y responsabilidades específicas, los Tudor, Stuard, Plantagenet, York y Lancaster pugnan por el poder y se afanan en resolver misterios y superar una serie de retos que les llevarán a desvelar la puerta del tiempo con la que culminará su aventura.

En definitiva, ha sido una experiencia tremendamente enriquecedora para todos, en la que incluso los alumnos que suelen ser menos participativos han estado especialmente motivados en pos del éxito final de su “linaje”. Un paso más en la mejora continua hacia una enseñanza más variada, dinámica y atractiva que persigue el nuevo Plan de Calidad del colegio JH Newman.